Wichita State Visitor Guide - Flipbook - Page 15
Student Engagement & Belonging takes pride in creating
and maintaining connections with various communities
outside of campus and within Wichita State University. We
provide dynamic programs, which range from speakers and
documentaries to award ceremonies and cultural festivities
— each representing a small piece of the diversity displayed
on campus. Throughout the year, the office offers an array
of academic, cultural, social and outreach programs.
Located in the heart of the main campus, the RHATIGAN
STUDENT CENTER is the social hub of student life at Wichita
State University. Whether you're looking for a place to
study, eat, hang out with friends, shop, relax or even get a
quick haircut, the RSC is the place to be.
SHOCKER SPORTS GRILL & LANES is a great place to relax and
have fun with your friends and family. Bowling, billiards,
darts, video games, parties, tournaments, food and fun can
all be found in the lower level of the RSC.
THE SHOCKER STORE is housed in the RSC and has the largest
selection and lowest prices for Shocker merchandise in
town. All the textbooks that students need are available for
purchase or rent in the Shocker Store basement.
CLASH OF THE COLLEGES just celebrated its tenth anniversary,
marking a decade of spirited competition, camaraderie, and
school pride. This annual event brings together first-year
students, faculty, and administrators in a vibrant, multisport free-for-all, all vying for bragging rights for the year.
In 1928, HIPPODROME was a one-day event. Since then,
Wichita State’s longest-running tradition has dramatically
grown to include a full week’s worth of activities. It’s an allschool event promoting Shocker pride through contests and
live entertainment leading up to the main showcase: the
Hippodrome skits. Groups of students perform original, noholds-barred skits with the winners getting bragging rights
and a trophy. One idea has continued to be the mainstay of
Hippodrome: the display of student talent.
Each year, Shocker Career Accelerator's ROOT BEER KEGGER
brings together dozens of employers with more than 1,200
Wichita State students to enjoy career connections, locally
brewed root beer and hot dogs.
SHOCKTOBERFEST is an annual celebration of Shocker spirit
and pride with a week of events culminating with the
always popular Songfest. Student groups compete for
points to be the winners of Shocktoberfest!
WELCOMEFEST. What better way to kick off each semester
than with a university bash? During the first two weeks of
classes, there are a variety of events to welcome students
back to school.